Review available plans

Review available plans
Plan name
Plan type
Choice of provider
Save with our nationwide network of 125,000+ vision care providers.
Annual deductible
Does not apply
Annual benefit maximum
Office visits (exams)
Once every 12 months from the last date of service; $10 copay with in-network provider; $30 allowance with out-of-network provider
Lens options
Once every 12 months from the last date of service; $25 copay with in-network provider; $25 allowance with out-of-network provider
Contact lenses
Once every 12 months from the last date of service; $0 copay; $115 allowance; (15% off balance over $115 allowance) with in-network provider; $92 allowance with out-of-network provider
Waiting period
Does not apply

Note: Limitations and exclusions may apply