A man has his blood pressure checked by a nurse in a medical office.

Get preventive care

Preventive care is often the easiest to forget. We can help you take steps to maintain your health with resources on common preventive care procedures. Already a Humana member? Use your MyHumana account to keep up to date on all your necessary screenings and exams.

Preventive care screenings

Protect your health by staying informed about the screenings and treatments you may need.

A woman looks into a retinal camera during an eye exam.

Preventive care

Diabetic eye exams

For people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, a diabetic retinal eye exam is an important part of preventive eye care.1

Find out more about eye exams
A woman talks to her doctor in an exam room.

Preventive care


Mammograms are a vital part of catching early signs of breast cancer.2 We’ll answer common questions about breast cancer screenings.

Get info on breast cancer screenings
A woman talks to her doctor near an X-ray image of a hip joint.

Preventive care

Bone density tests

Bone mineral density (BMD) tests are an important step in diagnosing and treating osteoporosis.3

Get info on bone density tests
A healthcare professional puts a bandage on a patient’s arm.

Help prevent the flu

Take action to help keep influenza—the flu—far away from you and your loved ones. Whether you need flu shot information or are looking for help getting through a bout of the flu, we can help.

Additional resources to help maintain your health

A couple learns to play the harmonica in a class.

Humana Neighborhood Centers

Our Humana Neighborhood Center® has a unique calendar of health education events, wellness programs and activities to help you maintain your health.

Visit the Humana Neighborhood Center
A man plays football with his grandkids in his yard.

Stay on track

We can help eligible members of all ages set and meet their individual health and wellness goals. Earn rewards for completing preventive care actions, like your annual wellness visit and flu shot, with our Go365® program.

Set your health goals

MyHumana makes insurance easier

With MyHumana, you’ll get quick and easy access to IDs, claims, prescriptions and more.


  1. “Diabetic Eye Exam,” Vision Center, last accessed July 11, 2024, https://www.visioncenter.org/blog/diabetic-eye-exam/.
  2. “Breast Cancer and Mammograms,” WebMD, last accessed July 11, 2024, https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/mammograms.
  3. “Bone density test,“ Mayo Clinic, last accessed July 11, 2024, https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/bone-density-test/about/pac-20385273.