Yes, you can have 2 dental plans at the same time. In insurance terms, it’s called dual dental coverage.
However, there are some limitations, which can depend on your
Yes, you can have 2 dental plans at the same time. In insurance terms, it’s called dual dental coverage.
However, there are some limitations, which can depend on your
Dual dental coverage is when you’re covered under 2 dental plans. This can happen when you have 2 benefit-eligible jobs or you and your spouse both have employer-sponsored coverage. Dual coverage only applies to group plans, not individual plans.
Dual dental coverage can also be used as supplemental dental coverage. Supplemental coverage can help pay for treatment after you reach your primary plan’s spending limit, or help pay for dental treatments your primary plan doesn’t cover.
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When you have 2 dental plans, they divide the costs of approved dental procedures. Typically, your primary dental plan pays first and covers a larger portion of the bill and the secondary plan pays the remaining balance.
When 2 plans work together, it’s called a Coordination of Benefits (COB). Both plans coordinate to figure out how much each will pay to avoid overpayment or a duplication of benefits.
Primary vs. secondary insurance coverage can be confusing. Let’s take a quick look to see the difference:
The benefits of dual dental insurance depends on your personal needs. If you only need routine checkups each year, 2 policies may not be an advantage. If you predict needing other dental work like
Having 2 dental insurance policies could have some disadvantages. For example, you may end up paying 2 premiums for coverage that isn’t better than 1 plan (and 1 premium). Also, it might be complicated managing 2 plans with different coverage levels, deductibles and copays.
No. Dual dental coverage doesn’t mean double benefits. But dual coverage can reduce your out-of-pocket expenses compared to being covered under only 1 plan.
Yes, you can have a dental
At Humana, we understand you may have more questions about dental insurance. To learn about dental plans, dental care and dental procedures, check out our library of
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Teeth whiteningFrom budget-friendly monthly premiums to low office-visit copays, Humana has a dental plan that is sure to fit your needs.
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