Disenrollment and cancellation from a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan

When and how to cancel or disenroll

Learn how to cancel or disenroll from your Humana Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan.

When can I cancel?

Cancellation occurs when you request to leave your Humana plan before its effective date. You can cancel your plan:

  • Any time before the plan’s effective date
  • Within 7 days from the date on your Enrollment Verification Letter

When can I disenroll from my plan?

Disenrollment occurs when you request to leave your Humana plan after its effective date. You can generally disenroll from your plan during the:

  • The Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP), October 15–December 7
    • This election period applies for all Medicare plan types (Medicare Advantage plans, prescription drug plans, etc.).
  • The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (OEP), January 1–March 31 (If you have a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Advantage prescription drug plan only)
  • A valid Special Election Period (SEP) if you are eligible

During OEP, if you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Advantage prescription drug plan, you have a one-time opportunity to enroll in another Medicare Advantage plan or disenroll from your current Medicare Advantage plan and return to Original Medicare (with or without a stand-alone Part D plan).

When disenrolling from your Medicare Advantage plan during OEP, the termination date is the end of the month in which the disenrollment request is received if returning to Original Medicare.

You can also disenroll during a valid SEP (if you qualify for an SEP). Some of the circumstances that may qualify you for an SEP include:

  • Moving out of a plan’s service area
  • Losing group Medicare employer coverage
  • Qualifying for Extra Help
  • Newly qualifying for a Special Needs Plan due to a chronic health condition
  • Eligibility for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibility)

How to cancel your coverage

To cancel, you can call Humana or mail your own written request.

Cancel by calling

The most convenient way to cancel your plan before the effective date is to call Humana Customer Care. The Humana Customer Care department will guide you through the cancellation process.

Call Humana Customer Care

800-285-7197 (TTY: 711)
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

(Oct. 15 – March 31) 7 days a week, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Cancel by sending a written request

If you prefer, you can fax or mail a signed written request to cancel your plan. Please include the following information:

  • Member’s name
  • Humana member ID number
  • Plan name, such as Humana Gold Plus®, or Humana Gold Choice®; or prescription drug plan (PDP) name, such as Humana Walmart Value Rx Plan™, Humana Premier Rx Plan™, or Humana Basic Rx Plan™
  • Statement that you want to cancel from your plan
  • Effective plan date
  • Member signature or signature of the member’s power of attorney (POA), legal guardian or someone otherwise legally able to act on behalf of the member
  • Reason for cancelling

How to disenroll from your coverage

To disenroll, you must fill out an online request or print and mail a request. You cannot disenroll by calling.

Disenroll by filling out an online request

To disenroll from your plan, you may send Humana an online disenrollment request.

You can use 1 of these links to complete a disenrollment form online and provide an electronic signature. If you use this method, you do not need to mail or fax Humana your disenrollment request.

Online Medicare Disenrollment and Special Election Questionnaire – English, PDF

Online Medicare Disenrollment and Special Election Questionnaire – Spanish, PDF

Disenroll by mailing or faxing a request

To disenroll from your plan, you can also fax or mail a disenrollment request form to Humana.

You can print the disenrollment using 1 of these links. After you fill out the form and sign it, you will need to mail or fax it to Humana at the address below. If you prefer, you can write and sign your own disenrollment request.

Medicare Disenrollment and Special Election Questionnaire - English, PDF

Medicare Disenrollment and Special Election Questionnaire - Spanish, PDF

Submit the disenrollment form or a written cancellation or disenrollment request to:

Humana Inc.
Attention: Disenrollment
P.O. Box 14168
Lexington, KY 40512-4168

Or fax to:

If you have additional questions about cancellation or disenrollment, call Humana Customer Care:
800-285-7197 (TTY: 711)
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
7 days a week, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (Oct. 15 – March 31)

Note: If you disenroll from Medicare prescription drug coverage and go without creditable prescription drug coverage for a continuous period of 63 days or more, you may have to pay a Part D late enrollment penalty if you join a Medicare drug plan later. See your Evidence of Coverage for more information.

If you disenroll from Medicare Advantage Plans with Medicare Part B Premium Reduction your Medicare Part B premium benefit will end on the date of disenrollment. It could take several months for the Social Security Administration to complete their processing. Any premium reductions you receive after you disenroll will eventually be deducted from your Social Security.

Humana is unable to process disenrollment requests for the IL Humana Gold Plus Integrated Medicare-Medicaid plan. Please contact the Illinois Client Enrollment Services to disenroll at 877-912-8880 (TTY: 866-565-8576), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Central time.

Who can complete a disenrollment request?

Only the member or the member’s healthcare power of attorney (POA) or legal guardian can complete a disenrollment request.

What are my options during disenrollment?

There are options with disenrollment. When you disenroll from your plan, you can enroll in another carrier’s plan or return to Original Medicare.

Prescription drug plans (PDPs) are only available through private companies. If you do not maintain prescription drug coverage through Medicare Part D or other coverage that is at least as good as the Medicare drug benefit, you may incur a late enrollment penalty (LEP) that will be due as part of your monthly premium for the duration of any future PDP enrollment.

Humana notifies you of your disenrollment effective date after CMS approves the disenrollment. Until your disenrollment is effective, continue to fill your prescriptions at Humana network pharmacies to receive your prescription benefits.

If you’re interested in enrolling in a new Humana plan as part of your disenrollment, you can call our Sales department at 800-984-9095 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Eastern time. If you have a valid election to change plans, our Sales department can assist you in making a plan change.