Elderly couple makes a salad.

Humana Extend 1250 plan

Get dental, vision and hearing coverage you need at a competitive price.

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Complete coverage that protects your health and your budget

Regular dental, vision and hearing exams are key to preventing problems before they start. The Extend 1250 plan is focused on getting you regular care without breaking your budget.

Humana Extend 1250 plan highlights:

  • Preventive dental exams and cleanings are 100% covered twice per year with no waiting period
  • $100 teeth whitening allowance each calendar year with no waiting period when performed in a dentist office
  • Preventive vision and hearing exams are covered 100% once per calendar year with a network provider
  • $1250 calendar year maximum per covered person

Plan details and benefits


Deductible: A $75 deductible per person must be satisfied each year before dental benefits are payable.

Calendar year maximum: There is a $1,250 calendar year maximum per covered person for benefits covered under this plan.

Preventive dental care

In-network and out-of-network coverage: 100% covered after deductible* and subject to calendar year maximum

Waiting period: None

Preventive dental services include:

  • 2 routine oral examinations per calendar year
  • 2 preventive cleanings per calendar year
  • 2 topical fluoride treatments per calendar year
  • Bitewing X-rays: 1 set of 2 films per calendar year for ages 10 and under and 1 set of 4 films per year for ages 11 and older
  • 1 sealant per primary tooth per lifetime, for those age 14 and under only
  • $100 whitening allowance per calendar year when performed in a dentist office (not subject to deductible or calendar year maximum)

* Deductible does not apply to preventive services in Kansas.

1 sealant per primary tooth per lifetime, for those under age 19 in Illinois.

Basic dental care

In-network and out-of-network coverage: 60% covered after deductible, subject to calendar year maximum

Waiting period: 6 months*

Basic dental services include:

  • 1 filling per tooth every 2 calendar years
  • Initial placement for space maintainers for ages 14 and under when primary tooth is prematurely lost
  • Anesthesia in conjunction with covered oral surgery

* Waiting period is 30 days in Pennsylvania.

Composite restorations allowed on anterior teeth only. Alternate benefit of amalgam for composite allowed on pre-molar and molar teeth. The covered person will be responsible for the cost difference between the amalgam and composite filling for composite restorations on posterior teeth.

Initial placement for space maintainers until age 19 in Illinois when primary tooth is prematurely lost.

Major dental services

In-network and out-of-network coverage: 30% covered* after deductible and subject to calendar year maximum

Waiting period: 12 months

Major dental services include:

  • Root canal treatment for permanent teeth once per tooth per lifetime
  • Surgical extractions (excluding elective removal of non-pathologic impacted teeth)
  • Complete and partial dentures once every 5 calendar years
  • Crowns, onlays and inlays, 1 per tooth per 5 calendar years
  • Periodontal maintenance twice per year and periodontal scaling and root planing once per quadrant every 3 calendar years (waiting periods do not apply)

* Major services are 50% covered after deductible in Illinois, Connecticut and New York.


In-network and out-of-network coverage: $0 copay

Waiting period: None

Vision services include:

  • 1 routine vision exam every 12 months from the last date of service


In-network coverage: $0 copays except for hearing aids

Waiting period: None

Hearing services include:*

  • 1 routine hearing exam per year from an in-network provider
  • Subject to the applicable copay, up to 2 hearing aids (1 per ear) each year from the following in-network provider options
    • Advanced level hearing aid ($699 copay per ear)
      • Various styles and colors
      • Disposable battery-powered options only
    • Premium level hearing aid ($999 copay per ear, $50 additional copay for rechargeable aids)
      • Various styles and colors
      • Disposable battery-powered and rechargeable options available

* Hearing services are not available in New York.

Hearing exams are covered for out-of-network providers with a $45 allowance in Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina and Texas.

Hearing aids are not covered in Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina and Texas.

This dental, vision and hearing insurance plan is not available in all states.

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