The insurance coverage for your contact lenses may depend on your prescription. If your contacts are medically required, it may be easier to get coverage than if your contact lens prescription is elective.4
Coverage when contacts are medically required
Typically, contacts are considered medically required if they are prescribed to correct errors in vision that glasses can’t fix. This may happen because of very poor eyesight, an irregularly shaped cornea or a disease that affects the eye’s surface. In most cases, patients with a medical need for contacts are prescribed solid contact lenses, not soft contacts. Usually, plans offer more coverage for medically necessary contact lenses than elective contacts.5
Annual allowances for elective contacts
If your vision could be corrected with eyeglasses, your contact lens prescription may be considered elective. Most providers and plans do not cover the full costs of contact lenses in these cases. However, some vision plans from Humana offer yearly allowances for standard contact lenses.6