Most dental plans will include a few different categories of costs that define the coverage. These include premiums, copays, coinsurance, deductibles and annual maximums.2
Monthly premiums
The premium is a monthly amount that you and/or your employer pays for insurance. The premium amount may vary between different insurance companies and from plan to plan. A typical premium amount for a dental plan may be $20–$50 per month for an individual or $50–$150 per month for a family.3
For many services covered under dental plans, the insurance company doesn’t pay for the full amount. The copay is the amount you pay for a dental treatment or service. Once you’ve paid the copay, your insurance will typically cover the rest of the cost.2
Many dental insurance plans require a deductible. This is the amount of money you must pay before your insurance benefits begin to take effect. Most preferred provider organizations (PPO) dental plans require that you pay a deductible.2
The coinsurance determines what percentage of the dental service your insurance will cover. For example, if the insurance coinsurance is 90%, then the insurance company will pay 90%, and you will pay 10% of the covered charges.2
Annual maximums
The annual maximum is the total amount that your insurance will pay each year. Your coverage in a given year would be limited to this amount. Some dental plans do not have annual maximums.2