When getting care at a hospital, your observation status can affect your Medicare coverage and how much you pay for X-rays, lab tests and more.
Here’s a breakdown of the status types and how they impact Medicare.
2-minute readPublished 03/28/2024Updated 02:05 PM EST, 01/10/2025
When getting care at a hospital, your observation status can affect your Medicare coverage and how much you pay for X-rays, lab tests and more.
Here’s a breakdown of the status types and how they impact Medicare.
Your status as an inpatient begins when you're formally admitted to a hospital with a doctor's order. Qualifying to be an inpatient typically relies on 2 things—your doctor’s judgment and your need for medically necessary hospital care.1 Generally speaking, this is when you’re expected to need 2 or more midnights of necessary care.
Part A helps cover inpatient hospital services and Part B helps cover most of your doctors’ services.
Here’s what you generally pay under Original Medicare as a hospital inpatient:2
Note: Your last day as an inpatient is the day before you’re discharged.
Learn more about Medicare
Medicare Advantage plans help expand your Medicare coverage beyond Original Medicare, often with extra benefits. Explore Humana’s Medicare Advantage plans in your area today!
2-minute readPublished 03/28/2024Updated 02:05 PM EST, 01/10/2025
If a doctor hasn't written an order to admit you as an inpatient, you’re considered an outpatient. This includes when you’re getting emergency room services, observation services, outpatient surgery, lab tests, X-rays and more. You can even be considered an outpatient if you stay overnight in a regular hospital bed.
However, if you're getting outpatient observation services for more than 24 hours, the hospital must give you a
Here’s what you generally pay as an outpatient under Original Medicare:
Note: The copayment for a single outpatient hospital service can’t be more than the inpatient hospital deductible. However, your total copayment for all outpatient services may be more than the inpatient hospital deductible.
Any prescription and over-the-counter drugs you receive in an outpatient setting (like an emergency room) aren’t covered by Part B. But if you have Medicare Part D (prescription drug plan), they may be covered in certain circumstances. If the drugs are covered, you’ll probably need to pay out of pocket and submit a claim to your drug plan for a refund.
From Medicare coverage to what you pay out of pocket, it’s important to know your observation status. If you’re ever unclear, ask the doctor or hospital staff for answers.
2-minute readPublished 03/28/2024Updated 02:05 PM EST, 01/10/2025