With this program, available for most plan types, you may be able to receive discounts on certain medications received from a participating pharmacy.
Drug Discount program
Humana provides members the ability to receive discounts on certain medications through its drug discount program. The drug discount program applies to medicine not covered by your plan or on your plan’s Drug List of generic and brand-name medicines, also known as a formulary.
This is a discount program and not an insurance benefit. Prescriptions filled under this program do not count towards your deductible, coinsurance, or cost-sharing amounts, nor towards your out-of-pocket limit under your plan.
How does the program work?
When you go to fill a new prescription or are getting a refill for a medicine that’s not currently covered by your plan or listed on the Humana Drug List, or formulary, you may be eligible for the discount. Simply fill your prescription as you would, at your preferred pharmacy, and you’ll either pay the cash price or a further discounted rate if your pharmacy is part of our Drug Discount Program. If a discount is available, it will be automatically applied to your prescription order—it’s that easy!
For example, a medicine may have a cash price of $20. With the new Drug Discount Program, you could end up paying just the $20, or less if your pharmacy is part of the discount network.
Benefits of drug discount program
With this program, our members can obtain discounts on medicines that aren’t covered on their plans.
Savings can vary by medicine.
Medicare member information
If you are a Humana member with a Medicare plan, you may be eligible to request coverage determination for your medicine. If you attempt to fill a prescription for a medicine that is not on the Humana Drug List, your pharmacist can provide a Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage and Your Rights form. This form explains your right to request a coverage determination, or a formulary exception, which means, if Humana approves the request, the drug will be considered as a formulary drug and therefore qualify for coverage.
If you’d prefer to use the drug discount program to process your prescription instead, simply notify the pharmacist so you can proceed with your order.