Parents outside with children

2023 plan year benefits

Information about the Medicare and Medicare coverage and benefits available to Humana Gold Plus® Integrated Medicare-Medicaid members is available in your Member Handbook, Summary of Benefits, and Annual Notice of Changes.

Access this key health plan information

Our members enrolled in Humana Gold Plus Integrated Medicare-Medicaid also get supplemental benefits. These supplemental benefits are on top of the Medicare and Medicaid coverage you get. The following benefits are available to our members in 2023.

Supplemental benefits
Benefit details
How do I access the benefit?
$0 pharmacy copayment

Member has $0 copayment on all pharmacy services.

You will have a $0 copayment when accessing pharmacy services.

What happens if you’re charged for covered pharmacy services?

Cellphone services

Humana and SafeLink Wireless® provide a free smartphone with extra services, such as free monthly minutes, text messaging, and data usage. Benefit covers:

  • 1 phone
  • 1 charger
  • 1 set of instructions
  • 350 minutes of talk time per month
  • 4.5GB of data per month
  • Unlimited text messages each month
  • Training for you and your caregiver (at the first care manager orientation visit)
  • Free calls to Humana Customer Care for health plan assistance, and to 911 for emergencies (even if you run out of free talk time)

You also may qualify for enhanced benefits through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). These enhanced benefits include:

  • Unlimited minutes
  • 5 GB hotspot
  • 25 GB data

Learn more about this benfit

Contact SafeLink® or call SafeLink at 877-631-2550 to enroll and/or to find out if you qualify for enhanced benefits through the ACP.

You will need to provide your Humana Gold Plus Integrated member ID.

You must be enrolled in SafeLink at least 30 days to qualify for the benefit.


You contact SafeLink to enroll in the program on Jan. 1, 2023.

You will not have your 350 minutes per month until Feb. 1, 2023.

Benefits are subject to change by the Federal Communications Commission under the Lifeline program.

Dental services
  • 1 comprehensive oral evaluation every 6 months
  • 1 prophylaxis (cleaning) every 6 months

Call Customer Care at 800-787-3311 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Central time.

Over-the-counter (OTC) allowance

$65 per member per quarter to use toward the purchase of OTC health and wellness products available through our mail-order CenterWell Pharmacy™.

You can find a full list of the OTC health and wellness items that you can get in the mail in the OTC catalog below.

OTC Catalog and Order Form – English

OTC Catalog and Order Form – Spanish

If you have questions about this mail-order service, call CenterWell Pharmacy at 855-211-8370 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 10 p.m., and Saturday, 7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Eastern time.

Podiatry services

Members can have 6 podiatry visits per year for routine foot care.

Use our Find A Doctor service to locate podiatrists near you.

Call Customer Care at 800-787-3311 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Central time.

Post-discharge meals

14 precooked meals that can be stored in a member’s (the recipient’s) refrigerator for up to 14 days, delivered to member’s home after an inpatient stay in a hospital or skilled nursing facility, limited to 4 times per year.

Call Customer Care at 800-787-3311 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Central time.

Smoking-cessation services

For help quitting smoking, member can have 28 additional visits with a primary care physician or specialist. These visits are over and above the base number of visits all members get. Refer to your Member Handbook for more information about your covered services.

Call Customer Care at 800-787-3311 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Central time.

Transportation services

Free transportation available for members who need to fill a prescription or get medical supplies, equipment, or other pharmacy-related items after a doctor’s visit.

Call Customer Care at 800-787-3311 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Central time.

Members enrolled in Humana Gold Plus® Integrated Medicare-Medicaid can earn rewards after completing healthy actions and more. Learn more and enroll today.

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