Child being pushed on a swing by an adult.

Value-added services for Humana Healthy Horizons in Oklahoma members

Humana Healthy Horizons® in Oklahoma members get added benefits along with medical coverage. These extra benefits, tools, and services are at no cost to you. Take some time to read through your extra benefits in order to maximize your plan.

Expanded benefits reimbursement form

Benefit Name
Age Limit
Breast Pumps
Female members can receive 1 non-hospital grade breast pump every 2 years, or 1 rental of a hospital-grade breast pump if your baby has an inpatient stay in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Criminal Expungement Services
18 and older

Member can receive reimbursement of up to $150 for criminal record expungement, as allowed per, per lifetime

Disaster Preparedness Meals
1 box of 14 shelf-stable meals before or after a natural disaster once per year.

Member must not live in a residential facility

The Governor must declare the disaster for the member to be eligible for the meals
Disaster Preparedness/Relief Kit
18 and older
1 disaster relief kit per year before or after a natural disaster

Kit includes: a backpack with food bars, emergency water, hygiene pack, first aid kit, flashlight, rain poncho, disaster guide, whistle, blanket, and disposable mask
Employment Physical
18 and older
1 employment physical per year
Financial Literacy Coaching
16 and older
Up to 6 life coaching sessions for money management and budgeting
GED Testing
16 and older
GED test preparation assistance, including a bilingual advisor, access to guidance and study materials, and unlimited use of practice tests. Test preparation assistance, including tutoring, is provided virtually to allow maximum flexibility for members. Also includes test pass guarantee to provide members multiple attempts at passing the test
Hearing Services
21 and older
  • 1 assessment for hearing aids every 3 years
  • 1 hearing aid per ear and dispensing fee every 3 years
  • 2 hearing aid fitting/checking visits every 3 years
  • 48 batteries per hearing aid per year

Home-Based Interventions for Asthma

Asthmatic members in our Care Management or Disease Management Programs can receive an allowance up to $350 per year for allergen free bedding, an air purifier, and/or carpet cleaning

Care Manager approval required

Housing Assistance
18 and older
Up to $350 per member per year (unused allowance does not roll over to the next year) to assist with the following housing expenses:

  • Apartment rent or mortgage payment (late payment notice required)
  • Utility payment for electric, water, gas or internet (late payment notice required)
  • Trailer Park and lot rent if this is your permanent residence (late payment notice required)
  • Moving expenses via licensed moving company when transitioning from a public housing authority

Plan approval required

  • Member must not live in a residential facility or nursing facility
  • Funds will not be paid directly to the member
  • If the bill is in the spouse's name, a marriage certificate may be submitted as proof
Infant Car Seat or Portable Crib
Pregnant members who enroll and actively participate in our HumanaBeginnings Care Management Program and complete a comprehensive assessment and at least 1 follow-up call with a HumanaBeginnings Care Manager can select 1 infant car seat or portable crib per infant, per pregnancy
Maternal and Infant Virtual Care
Unlimited access to a smartphone application that provides 24 hour a day, 7 days a week access to a proprietary, video‐enabled call routing system that allows Enrollees to connect with a lactation consultant or a physician extender for on-demand assistance
Native American Traditional Medicine
Reimbursement of up to $300 per calendar year for Native American members to help cover costs for Native American Traditional and/or Ceremonial Services

Member is required to provide a signed verification form
Newborn Care Kit
0-6 months
1 newborn kit per birth

Kit includes: diaper bag, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, baby blanket, thermometer, bulb syringe
Non-Medical Transportation (NMT)
21 and older
Up to 15 round trips (or 30 one-way trips) up to 45 miles for non-medical transportation per year to locations such as social support groups, wellness classes, WIC and SNAP appointments, and food banks. This benefit also offers transportation to locations providing social benefits and community integration for members such as community and neighborhood centers, parks, recreation areas, and churches
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
One in-state round trip (2 in-state one-way trips) per day for a parent and/or guardian to visit their child during a NICU or inpatient hospital stay.

Member's using non-emergency medical transportation may be allowed to bring up to 3 children when childcare is not available.

Total number of passengers, including the driver, cannot exceed more than:

  • Each child must be younger than 13
  • Each child must be the enrollees by birth, marriage, legal adoption, foster child or legal guardianship

Each child must have his/her own car seat provided by the enrollee if required by OK state law
Over the Counter (OTC) Pharmacy Allowance

Up to $30 per household per quarter allowance enables households to purchase products that support common occurring conditions such as:

  • Pain relievers
  • Diaper rash cream
  • Cough and cold relief medicine
  • First aid equipment that do not require prescriptions.
  • Unused amounts do not roll over to the next quarter
Parent-Guardian Self-Care Allowance
Reimbursement up to $40 per quarter for members that are a legal parent or guardian of children up to 12 months old to help cover the costs of childcare and enable our new parents/guardians to spend time doing activities independently and relieve stress
Pest Control

Up to $200 per household per year per for pest control.

If member resides with caregiver, they must show proof. Member can provide lease that they reside with caregiver.

Plan approval required

Post Discharge Meal
14 refrigerated home-delivered meals following discharge from an inpatient or residential facility
Self-Monitoring Devices – Blood Pressure Kit
21 and older
Members under care management may receive 1 digital blood pressure kit once every 3 years. Kit includes the cuff and monitor.

Care Manager approval required
Self-Monitoring Devices – Weight Scale
21 and older
Members under care management may receive 1 weight scale every 3 years.

Care Manager approval required
Smartphone Services
1 Free smartphone through the Federal Lifeline Program, per household. Members who are under 18 will need a parent or guardian to sign up.

This benefit covers per lifetime: 1 phone, 1 charger, 1 set of instructions, unlimited Talk, text and high-speed data, training for you and your caregiver at the first case manager orientation visit if you are enrolled in care management. Member must make 1 phone call or send 1 text message every month to keep benefit.

Member may qualify for enhanced benefits through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) that provides unlimited minutes, 10 GB hotspot and unlimited data. You can opt into this benefit by contacting SafeLink at 1-800-SAFELINK or online at, opens new window

Benefits are subject to change by the FCC under the Lifeline program
Sports Physical
6-18 years
1 sports physical per year
Tobacco & Vaping Cessation Coaching
13 and older
Tobacco Cessation Program is focused on tobacco and vaping cessation coaching for members aged 13 and older. The program is designed as a 6-month engagement for a total of 8 coaching calls, but members have 12 months to complete the program if needed.

Humana’s tobacco and vaping cessation health coaching program offers support for both over the counter (OTC) and prescription nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for members ages 18 and older.
Vision Services
21 and older
1 annual eye exam

Members can choose one of the following every 2 years:

  • Eyeglasses include non-high index polycarbonate lenses and a $100 allowance for the frame, or
  • $100 allowance for the cost of contact lenses, enrollees are responsible for any cost over the allowance
Waived Copays
21 and older
Waive copays for medical and behavioral health services
Weight Management Program
12 and older
Weight Management Coaching Program delivers weight management intervention for members who are 12 and older. Upon receiving physician clearance, member can complete six (6) weight management coaching sessions with Health Coach; approximately one call per month for a period of six (6) months.
Youth Academic Support
Grades K-12
Members in grades K-12 access to online tutoring services up to 2 hours per week as well as ACT/SAT test preparation.
Youth Development and Recreation
4-18 years
Member can receive reimbursement of up to $200 annually for participation in activities such as:

  • YMCA
  • Boys and Girls Club programming
  • Swim lessons
  • Computer coding classes
  • Music lessons

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