Individual dental plans
Offered by private insurance companies, an individual dental plan is coverage you can buy for you and your family. Unlike group dental plans, you can shop individual dental plans from different companies and choose the best plan for your needs and budget. You can also shop plans that cover dental braces, dentures or any other procedure you or a family member may need.
Group dental insurance
Group dental insurance is coverage offered to you and your family through your employer. With group dental insurance, your employer selects the dental insurance plans you can choose from. Group plans are typically offered as part of a benefits package or bought independently through an insurer.
Supplemental dental insurance
Supplemental dental insurance is a separate dental plan that can be paired with a Medicare Advantage plan or a primary dental plan to enhance your dental benefits. Depending on the plan you choose, supplemental dental insurance can lower your out-of-pocket costs when paying for dental work. To learn more, check out understanding Medicare supplemental dental insurance plans.