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SoonerSelect: Prescription Coverage

As a Humana Healthy Horizons member, your prescription medicines and some over-the-counter medicines are covered at little to no cost to you. For more information about what’s covered, refer to your Member Handbook or call Member Services at 855-223-9868 TTY: 711.

Over-the-counter drug list

SoonerSelect covers some over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. For SoonerSelect to cover an OTC drug at no cost to you or your family:

  • Your doctor must write you a prescription for the OTC product
  • You must present the prescription at the pharmacy where you want to purchase the OTC drug

Below, we include a link to OTC products covered as part of your pharmacy benefit. Please:

  • Ask your doctor to review the list to make sure any OTC product you take or may take is covered
  • Talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist about the product before you take it the first time

Over-the-Counter drug list, PDF

Preferred Drug List

You can access a full range of safe and effective medicines. These medicines are part of a formulary, or Preferred Drug List (PDL).

Your doctor will use the PDL to choose the best medicine to treat you and your condition.

View a list of preferred drugs covered under the
2024 Preferred Drug List (English), PDF
2024 Preferred Drug List (Spanish), PDF
Preferred Drug List – Machine Readable

Occasionally, your provider may need to get our approval if he or she wants you to use a medicine that is not on our PDL. Your provider also will need to get approval if covered medicines have a limit such as:

  • Age limit: covered for certain age group
  • Quantity limits: a limit on the number of drugs you can get at once, per prescription (i.e. 30 tablets per 30 days). There is no limit on the number of prescriptions you may have.
  • Prior authorization: requires approval before it can be covered
  • Step therapy: a preferred drug(s) must be tried first.

More medicine resources
Drug dictionary – information about medicines.
Save with generic medicine.
Tips for avoiding dangerous drug interactions.

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