Healthy hearing is important. It keeps your brain active, and lets you connect with the people and things you love. But your doctor may tell you that you don’t hear as well as you should. Many people need help to hear better.
It can be scary to learn that you need hearing aids, but it doesn’t have to be. People of all ages need them. You are not alone. Hearing aids are a tool to help you hear better, just like glasses help people see better. They make it easier to talk with family and friends and do the things you love. Plus, hearing aids have changed a lot over the years. They are smaller and work very well. Some are almost invisible. They really can make your life better and improve your overall health and wellness.
Hearing services for Healthy Horizons members
Your plan includes:
- Medically necessary hearing screening
- Diagnostic testing
For members with documented profound, severe hearing loss in one or both ears, the plan covers:
- Bone anchored hearing aids for Implanted devices for members age 5 and older
- Non-implantation (softband) device for members under the age of 5.
- Cochlear Implants for members age 12 months and older who have documented profound to severe, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss.
For members with moderate hearing loss or greater, the plan covers:
- 1 new, complete, (not refurbished) hearing aid device per ear, every 2 years
- Up to 3 pairs of ear molds per year
- 1 fitting and dispensing service per ear, every 2 years
- 1 hearing assessment and reassessment every 2 years
*Monaural hearing aids are used in one ear. This is different from binaural hearing aids which can be used in both ears.
Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Services also include:
- Cochlear implants
- Hearing aids
- Hearing aid repairs
You may need approval from us before getting some services. This preapproval is called prior authorization or preauthorization.
Find a provider
Many hearing services may be offered by your primary care provider (PCP). However, you might need to talk to an audiologist. An audiologist is a doctor who specializes in helping patients to hear better. To find a provider.
- Use our Find a Doctor service to find a provider near you.
- Call Hear USA: 877-664-9353
- Call Member Services: 800-477-6931 (TTY:711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. -- 8 p.m., Eastern time