A woman wearing a headset answers a phone call while sitting a computer.

Enrollee support

Welcome to Kentucky Medicaid! Start here to find the new enrollee information you need.

Humana Healthy Horizons® in Kentucky enrollee support

Whether you’re looking for information to get started, want to find the latest news about Kentucky Medicaid, or just need to download a form—you’re in the right place.

Welcome to Kentucky Medicaid

Enrollment information

Find out what you need to know about your open enrollment period, how to change your plan, and answers to other enrollment questions.

Find enrollment info

News and alerts

If there’s something new going on with Kentucky Medicaid, you can find out here. We’ll post the latest news and alerts on the issues that matter most to you.

Check news and alerts

Support during disasters

We are here to support you during public health emergencies or disasters. See what steps we take to make sure enrollees in impacted areas get the medical care they need.

Get support during disasters

Documents and forms

Stay organized and find all of the documents and forms you need in one place. Find your Enrollee Handbook, provider directories, and other forms to manage your plan.

Find documents and forms

Measuring our performance

Let us know how we’re doing. We want to make sure we are giving you the best care and services to manage your health. Learn about the tools we use to measure our performance, check out the results, and take a survey to give us your feedback.

Go to performance measurements

Grievances and appeals

We want you to be happy with the care you get and hope you are getting the best care possible.

If you are not happy with any part of your healthcare plan, Enrollee Services, your doctor, or a facility, you can send in a grievance. You also can appeal a claim or a denied service.

Learn about grievances and appeals

We want to hear from you!

You trust us with your healthcare—now trust us with your ideas! During the year, we meet with enrollees around the state to find out how we’re doing. Enrollees who participate become part of our Quality Member Access Committee.

See when we’re meeting with enrollees in your area

Enrollees who join us for an in-person meeting get a $40 gift card.

To reserve your spot or for more information please call 888-800-8659 or email KYMCDCommunityManagement@humana.com. When leaving a message, please speak slowly and clearly and provide your name and contact information. We will return your call as soon as we can.

Looking for help?

Contact us

If you have questions, find the number you need to get help and support.

Find a doctor

Find a doctor, hospital or pharmacy.

Documents & forms

Find the documents and forms you need, including your Enrollee Handbook.